Fruit juice, they have it everywhere. Almost every street there is one stall selling fruit juice. It’s sooo competitive. It proves that they are healthy people? They have carrots, grapefruits, oranges, apples, starfruits, celery, others. Here is a huge bitter gourd hanging in front of a stall. It looks like it’s a close range camera shot to make it look big but its not. Its really huge about 3 feet height. Take a look at their counter, it’s full with the real bitter gourd. I did not try this drink. Those whom have, you may share your experience.
Along the way, shops selling ladies
accessories and bags and all sorts of things you know. Hey look, its Domo!
Never forget his huge big mouth fangs. Going on, another stall with those sugar
coated fruit candy. This stall didn’t look attractive enough like the previous
stalls I saw. Another little cart, selling chicken and other things which I had
no idea what it was, but I did get myself a pack of cooked marinated
intestines. Yum! It a little sour like having some vinegar but was nice to chew
on … but you’ll get tired. Happy chewing!