Friday 28 December 2012

Orchards of Flowers - Ta Shee Blooming Oasis

Ta Shee Blooming Oasis- direct translation Big  something something (I forgot I can’t read Chinese) Sorry. It is full of flowers, but just too bad it’s not full spring season. So can’t really see all the beautiful flowers blooming all around us. Just partially. The tiny Pinks. The tiny Reds.  The tiny Yellows. Gosh! Everything is so tiny. I was not excited at all. But there is still some bed of flowers along the way. Coming up was a land of Lavender Bed!! At least there is something better than those tiny little spotted colors earlier when I came in form the entrance.

Up further the farm, there are cottages and stalls. Where there is sweetness of flowers, there are always BEEzZzzZz!! They made a plastic container of Honey Combs for display - Full of Bees in it. Felt a bit of goose bump when I came close to it. Not to worry, you won’t get stung, it’s all in the container. Thanks God. Unless, you disturb them by shaking or knocking the plastic container. I rather not mess with the Bees, not a wise idea. Well if there are bees, there are honey sold. You can purchase a bottle of honey from the stalls if you wish. 

After walking in the Sun through the bed of flowers, we stopped for a snack and some honey herbal drink refreshment. Logically, what comes in your mind now is getting some honey drink as mentioned earlier they have honey sold and maybe a bowl of Taiwan’s famous vermicelli noodle. Am I not right? But something you would never expect at such a sweet and lovely flower farm. OMG. It’s the stinky tofu (bean curb). How in the world can they sell stinky tofu at such a sweet place? It is such a total contradiction.

After the short snack. We took a stroll saw an old water pump system. Since I had never had one and never seen a real one other than in the books, so it’s time to try one. Imagine how tedious it is just to get some water. Guess we are really lucky as our time has passed for this. We should be grateful what can get water anytime out of a twist of the tap. 

 Along the stalls, were some photo souvenir sold. Lastly, on the way out, I spot a busy bee getting some pollen from a lovely pinky flower. I quietly and quickly snap this busy bee solider without disturbing it. So it’s up close and personal here for you. It was a dangerous move as it did not come to my mind that the bee would reacted and feel me intruding and angrily stung me. I totally forgot how deadly this was. I am lucky this time. So please don’t try it.

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